Research Fellow, Moon Group, LSHTM


I work within the Moon Group at LSHTM investigating how the inrtacellular parasite, Plasmodium knowlesi invades human erythrocytes. My research is funded under a Wellcome Trust Discovery Award. I use CRISPR-Cas9 based genome editing to target known and unknown genes associated with erythrocyte invasion and investigate parasite phenotypes.

Previously, I have worked on whole genomoe sequencing for malaria parasites, using both Illumina and Oxford Nanopore systems, and I use the Nanopore MinION frequently to assess the genomics of modified parasite lines.

Associated publications

Lab Training

Molecular Biology

Guide design

Computational Training

Initial computer set up for coding - mac users

Initial computer set up for coding - windows users

Nanopore analysis for custom barcodes

Nanopore analysis for genome assembly


Aids whilst PlasmoDB is down

Selected projects